Saturday Serengeti Strut!

Good Morning Denizens of the Sartorial Jungle! I’d like to dive right in today with a frisky little number in zebra from cdhar2 on Pattern Review! Its the Cleo pinafore and I’m really thinking I need one too! How cute is she in this??? Thank you for letting me share it!


Pennylibrarian is back! Please remember to send all excess fabric straight to me!!!! MEEE!!!


Grr- pet, pet! I need this dress, Thimberlina!!


I love me some tropical jungle prints- Siobhan needs a mai tai right away after her hard work on this!!


Linda– you are making me so proud with your cats!!


Oh Fadanista– you had me at props!Extra points for the hat!!


Last week the every so sassy Artfulblasphemer shared her saturday shopping goals and it was all a jungle princess could hope for!! Check it out!

Remember Ladies- it’s up to us to inspire others and keep cheetah out of the wrong paws!


photo credits: Pattern review, Penny Librarian, Fadanista, Siobhan,Linda, Thimberlina!All images remain the property of their original owners.

Growling at 2016- with Butterick6241


Well, Happy New Years Eve from little me and all of us at Mutual of Omaha!

I’m feeling most frisky today- new year approaching, new possibilities, new yada yada….

it’s time for Jungle January 5 and a renewed sense of sewing wonder- cuz I wonder how many peeps will join me and what wonders we shall see!

I haven’t blogged any makes in a while- I’ve made lots of staples and repeats, but nothing that could bring any new inspiration or tell a new tale- so I’ve kept happily wearing, but not sharing!

Today I have a little variation on Butterick 6241- check out that wonky-woo hem on the green version!



a pattern I like to think of as faux Tilton- it’s sort of Lagenlook with lots of seams….it’s been in the possible pile for months- but I don’t like the front zipper- those unzipped knit collars take me back to 80’s track suits and that’s not good for me. I never got the exposed zipper as decoration thing either. So I just skipped that part and went mock turtle on it.


I’m loving this- slightly fitted, but cozy, boxy- no stomachs sucking in- totally my thing. These pictures were going to be outside- in my semi-urban jungle, but it started sleeting! Seriously. How thoughtless.  This print is so ferocious- it defied the camera to show us both in focus- it was me or purple kitty- not both!!!


One thought- the gigantic pocket wings are lovely little details- but the backside will show and my backside is very white! Well, I guess that would be assumed, wouldn’t it! So I tacked them together  so they are still fancy usable, but not so backside viewing. Cuz I’m pure class as you know.

Also, why a center back seam? It’s minimally shaped- so what’s the point? It didn’t save very much fabric doing it on the fold- call me decadent- I waste fabric!

Now after I twirl a bit, let’s talk Jungle January 5!!!!!

If you are game, so am I!

Link your makes to this post and #junglejanuary5 on twitter!

This year I’d like to see some previous makes and how you have enjoyed the Jungle all year-long! Throw some selfies on twitter with

#wearthatgrrr let’s strut like predators all month, no- year long!

Every ferocious Friday we’ll have our catwalk roundup!!

One reminder- let’s love the animals and appreciate their skins on them- we’re celebrating the beauty of the print and all its purring power!!!!

photo credits: little me!

The Rescue Post!! UPDATE!!!!


Readers, I have great news. For all of you who have been clutching your pearls and hankies- wondering about the LOST JUNGLE CRUISE- I have word of their successful discovery and rescue. When  word of a stray  cruise vehicle was reported to me, I immediately sought the most well-trained jungle search party with the best knees and dispatched them forthwith!




It was a long and tense week at the Grievous Outpost, but my intrepid rescue party has returned and all cruisers are healthy and well!Here are reports from  the front line:

Resting in the infirmary and sipping a pink squirrel- if the lovely and sarcastic, Splinters & Stitches! Lekala patterns are newer to me and I know I need this one now. The crossover is quite prec’.


Losing Maria in the jungle would have been a major tragedy- but I hear she carried several of the party to safety and looked amazing doing it! Go see Velosewer- she made 3 trips to the jungle- I’m counting this weeks snakey Wanda, too!


Gabrielle definited looked tempting to the rescuers in her wrap dress- I need this pattern too.


Miushka spent her time well, reading Proust to the locals and showing off her mules- tassels! Be still my heart!!!


Sue– I can’t leave you off the bus- get in back and grab a banana!

McCall's patterns 021a

Cari has a peak at her SWAP swag and a daisy of a dress to show everyone once you have all met your medical clearance and returned home.


A canoe has been spotted by my search flamingoes and Aida and Marianne are here safe!

These two were so busy enjoying the foliage and the legendary storytelling of the local zebras that we almost left them- can you imagine??

DSC_0386 zoom2

I am here to hottly deny the rumours that I  was after Marianne stash- resting unguarded here at home. But could you blame me???? Honestly, hand on a copy of Pride and Prejudice- I’m after BOTH OF THEIR FABRIC COLLECTIONS!!



photo credits: Pattern Review, Splintersnstitches, Velosewer, Up So Late, Historium, Miushka, Sue, MArianne, Aida,Cari.   ALL images remain the property of their original owners.

I just can’t leave the jungle!


A mauve zebra is:

A. A popular cocktail during the 50’s containing Dr Pepper, gherkin pickle juice, vodka and a maraschino cherry soaked in grain alcohol. ‘Boy did I love fleet week! I got so tight on mauve zebras the sailors declared me a friendly port!’

B. Sir Edwin Quagshires political career was ruined when it was discovered that he belonged to a discreet club for gentlemen that liked to dress up as their childhood governesses, cane young men and then read Pilgrims Progress to them while enjoying tiny sandwiches. He was almost able to squash the rumors  until a member of the press reportedly yelled, ‘Password, Nanny Quagshires!’ And he immediately blurted out ‘mauve zebra’ and gave truth to the tales. To this day, your grandfather may refer politely to particular gentlemen as ‘a bit of a mauve zebra’ with a knowing wink.

C. My new Vogue   8710    Knit top.


Ok, all answers are technically true- because you can put anything on Wikipedia, but let’s just talk about the top.


I made this several years ago in a paisley and it gets worn more than most of my casuals. I like that it is slightly fitted, but roomy, the sleeves are poofy and it’s just comfortable. I’ve been saying another one will be made soon, but it’s been 4 years! So, here we are!


I had just enough of this left from a Burda frock to make this. There was a back seam for no reason that I could fathom and I had enough fabric to skip it. No one hates print breakup more than little me- it makes me cry, like ASPA commercials and French dip sandwiches served without horseradish sauce. Seriously? What’s that about?!


I must admit to a little crazy- but I’ll bet no one here will think it’s odd- I totally hand colored every track of thread that went over the black stripes. I just couldn’t leave it glaring like that! All poop in the punchbowl as they say……..


 But I am far from alone out here on my picnic. Check out my other kindred zebra, Jay! We really do flock together, don’t we?


Over by the fencing- I see another fluttery bit of fauna- who’s hair I am most envious of- look at how it behaves in the wind- not like the crazy chicken on my head. Lara!!!


Ok,  it’s totally unfair to bring out the vintage guns like this- go see this outfit!!!!!!!


Symondezyn- you are the cheetah bomb, baby!


Swap update!!!!! Want to see some fab animal jammies? Go see Sewforfun!


photo credits: pattern review, little me, Lara, Jay,  Seamracer. All images are the property of their original owners.

The Native Drums are Madly Beating!

Ready? Lets go!

Meggipeg brings us a very flashy Inari! I love this one…..


Jammies- jammies that have racoons on them! Pennylibrarian knows how to take the bins out with style!


I think I like ocelot quite a lot. Especially on our Linda.


Josephine? Can we see the coolest pencil skirt ever?

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Mrs Bewley– please reassure the audience that I didn’t cut your head off- I love this jacket too much for that!


I knew a Material Lady wouldn’t forget me! Here she is!


Pattern Review has brought me so many new friends this month! Here’s Lisa Laree:


This is how I feel in pink leopard, too.  I love this Andrea!


I just know I could be classy if I had this, Ellegee. Come on, sharing is caring!


Fee Fii Faux Fur! Yes, this fabulous!!


Ahem, lets now raise the culture level here at the Grievance Point, with poetry and stripes! Take it away Mads.


My fabric envy is very strong right now, thank you Sara!


Leila is back! Bolero bravo!


From the overflowing stash of an amazing stylista!


Well! That was quite a lot of inspirational predator action! I’m not done yet- I have a top of my own to post and of course the spotted carpet wrap party!

Happy weekend all!

Photo credits: youtube, pattern review, Meggipeg, Josephine, Andrea, Mads, Sara, Niekemieke, Penny, Ellegee. Leila,Pia, Linda. All images remain the property of their original owners!

It’s pretty cool for zebras, too.

Good day from the Jungle Observatory! I’ve got the telescope trained on some lovelies this morning! Check out Cuttlefish in her corner- working the two’fer! This is her 3rd stop at the watering hole this year- she is a real trooper!



Sharon is probably skinny dipping with the monkeys again- I found this dress by the waterfall-


I want Hammer pants. That is all, Leila. Please admire the new Jungle Cruise captain uniform:


Oh look- there’s Katie! Snow Leopard- brrrr


Ok, I have found a new species- tentatively called- Sal‘us-Awesomus- curious? Well, this is all you are getting- go see it live- err, well- in blog liveness.


Jean Margaret brought her own foliage- thank you ma’am! Looking good, by the way!

Named Kielo Zebra6

Now here is a sewist who’s range I have admired for quite a while- Sixtiesgirl!


Valgal is quite the predator in Mccalls 6886- a must have pattern for me now that I’ve seen hers!


Sosat is definitely a lover of feline couture- 2 pattern reviews to envy!


Had I known we’d get snow this week at Grievances Hall, I’d have tried to steal Donna‘s Vogue loveliness!



One last group- Sewforfun had a real Jungle January event- go see!

photo credits: pattern review, Katie, Sharon, Cuttlefish, Pattern Review, Leila, Jean Margaret, sewingforfun. All images remain the property of the original owners.



Growl, hiss, clap!

While the crew checks the tires and adjusts their pashminas- grab the clipboards under your seat and fill out the usual waivers and take this quiz! Big thank you to Cari!

Buckle up, get your binoculars ready, we are headed deep into style country this morning!

Margaret didn’t realize that the Jungle January goddess (me) demands a toll for passage- I WANT THAT TOP!!!!


Whats that I hear? A distress call from across the plains- Lynn is in an animal print quandry-  come on ye Jungle Scouts- lets help her !


I’m thinking the Pretty Grievances staff has a new uniform- Melissa, you inspire me.


Check out this dress- it is quite pettable- Thanks for playing, Mamie!


Not ready for full body commitment? Ok, I get it- head over to see Sharon’s gorgeous accessories!


Maybe a little discreet animal is better for you? Inge


Fadanista– it totally counts! I love an animal inspiration print!


Ready but not shopped up? Here’s a Mood sampling:





Hey! Hey there Myra– don’t run off- you look fabulous!



photo credits: Sew,Jean Margaret, Lynn, Mamie JR, Sharon, Katie , Inge, Melissa, Fadinista.Mood. All images remain the property of their original owners.

Jungle January roars along!

When I go to Florida annually, I always hope I’ll see lovely exotic beasties- rare ones- like the divine speckled Coco!


Todays post features sewists who have been on our Jungle Safari  every year- Cari brings us our 2nd feline of the day- Jacaranda Jungle Style!


Katie– you are fierce today! Where is Myra’s matching outfit?


Leila– sniff, sniff- when I think of how far you have come in your animal print odyssey….no- I won’t show the picture- but an intrepid reader could possibly find it themselves in the 1st year coverage! Wonderful Shoe post, by the way!


Over at the Fabricmart blog- Kathy is aboput to set a new land speed record in a very motivating animal print!


Dawn– your Ottobre is sparkly and growly- fab! Welcome to the menagerie.


Ruth– you are like Jane for me- dropped in the jungle and already running the show!


Now a little something from me- Vogue 9092.The envelope pic doesn’t show my view- so no pic for you! You are forced to just let mine speak for Vogue! Scary!  Trying the natural light photos again- very flattering to Helmutt, right? vogue1

It’s not in animal print but I keep seeing a Parrot wear it- does that count? I’ve been gawking at this pattern for weeks now- finally fabricmart brought me just the thing- a sort of homespun lineny stripey thing. I’m still being cautious in my buying- trying to find neutrals and subtles to work with orphan pieces I own. So of course I immediately make a stand alone piece. But I have enough left for a top to match a pair of pants I’m trying. Yup, I’m trying pants again. Godspeed, little sewing machine- the cursing will start soon! Now today it’s dress in focus or Anne in focus- I chose dress- you may thank me!


It felt very conservative- it reminds me of my favorite Burda tunic go-to dresses I love so much. I decided to make the center front skirt panel horizontal for a little fun effect. Super fun, right? I skipped the back zip again- pyramid shaped body- I can slither into just about anything without a zip!

Hmm….I feel like I’m cheating posting this in a Jungle January post. Well, perhaps, I should throw on the matching wrap.

Look at my fabulous Anne quilt- look, I doesn’t care what the pattern may be called by others, it’s the Anne quilt, thankyouverymuch! The quilting Cleasbys made it for me- here’s a secret peak into their studio:

granny camp

I was so touched- my grinchy heart expanded 3 sizes- not enough to let the pups put even a toe on it, but still- I’m a work in progress. vogue3

Now remember- if you see some gorgeous animals on the net- give me a shout!

photo credits: pattern review, Cocoas loft, Katiekaddidlehopper, Cari Homemaker, Leila, Sew Ruth, Dawn, little me. All images remain the property of their original owners.

Royalty in the jungle

The lion may be the king of beasts but these ladies are giving a mighty stylish growl themselves! Check out these royals rocking the animal prints in very classy ways!


Mary of Denmark- Meet Beatrice of York-


Maxima of the Netherlands-


I think you know Caroline of Monaco-please don’t throw your clutch at the waiter!


Princess Mathilde of Belguim,


I’m sure you’ve met Queen Letizia of Spain-


Zara, I’m stealing this hat!


Yours too, Sophie- hand it over!


Now, lets see some of your stuff! Penny, will you start us off? This picture is just a tease- you must see more- I command thee!


Inge– Give us a twirl!


Kelsey is ready to cuddle (or cuttle) up and share a nap-   enviable jammies indeed!


Julie popped up on Pattern Review-


Mary, Mary- you look like the cat got your tongue, maybe it envied your style!
 photo credits:pinterest, Penny Librarian, IngeMaakt, A little Talent, Pattern Review. All images remain the property of their original owners.

Butterick  6166 the bird is the word!

Welcome, welcome! This morning I’m here in animal print that may be cheetah, may be bird of paradise- wait- is that just a plant or is it a actual bird? Hmm…Google time….ok: 
Well….I think I’ve made a flame backed woodpecker frock! Top that, fluffy peach bird!
This pattern came together so easily and so fast- it felt like it was supposed to happen! As opposed to my usual sews that feel like I’m wrestling the worst fabric choice and pattern to death.

Time for my usual rant: knit fabric with a back zip? Really? Can someone explain that? Is it a big4/talon company hush hush deal? Look how smug this model looks- grinning the smug grin of the hipless.


I couldn’t delete the center back seam- it curves to fit my lack of fanny. It’s actually so flat back there I was able to skip the fish eye darts over the hips.

This is my first scuba knit dress- I was nervous about using it- will I look like a scuba wrapped bag of clementines? Will it cling like an old boyfriend from high school? These things keep me I my linen tunic zone.

I like a shroudy business about my hips- this dress may end up in the ‘I never wear it, it’s effort full with all that sucking in and crying’ corner of the closet. See how skeptical I look here?  Thats partly due to trying to take dachshundless pictures. I can feel them on the other side of the door- gathering Helmutt up to use as their stooge battering ram. He probably volunteered.


I manipulated the waist sashy business in an attempt to stay out of the girdle zone and well, look, I’m a big girl and it’s alot of print and I’m still not totally sold on this.


It will be a good work dress- for maybe when I am presenting stats and want the distraction of the entire audience thinking, ‘is that a flame backed woodpecker print?’ or maybe they will be thinking, ‘where did she find Dr Martens to match that mess??’


Whatever- if it distracts from my math- its a good thing! **

Now, this dress is very comfortable, but could it be as comfortable as our 1st Jungle January  post from Graca? I think not!

Photo credits: little me, pattern review, google images. All images remain the property of the original owners.

** Don’t worry Father, I don’t really have a Mr Darcy hoof tat.