Yo- it’s my Sewing Room

This week has not been productive. I made a dress for the Sew Weekly accessory challenge and it ended up as a bin liner. Just a train wreck of bad pattern choice and 2 fabrics of conflicting natures. So I’m sort of missing the Sewjo right now. I’ve been in the sewing room alot but not productively. Mostly chasing cats and such. I’ve decided that since I’ve  been seeing a lot of Sewists show off their sewing space for the positive- they have great organization. The negative- they have fascinating clutter.That in my book thats not really a negative!  Well  turn about is fair play,right? So it’s my turn. Please sit back and enjoy the highly rated but for some reason never viewed :

MTV Cribs episode featuring….    The Sewer’s Bordello!

Anne: Hi MTV fans! Welcome to my Sewing Crib! Yes, this is where the magic happens! In this first picture you get a glance into the hyper-active child that dwells here- gathering bright, shiny objects like a showgirl-squirrel…   

I can’t possibly get rid of one thing in here- not the glue sticks, the 700 tiny jars of stray buttons, the old tins of embroidery floss, the American girl dress form! Yes, jealous viewers- you do see the notorious SideWinder bobbin winder! This is why security is tight here- I have valuables! The tv alone is an antique! It’s actually an amazing high-def plasma tv inserted into a 1983 box to keep a kitschy retro feel. Honestly!

After we see the whole room, I’ll show you the solid gold toilet I bought at Russells Simmon’s yard sale last year.

Bruder is also a feature of our tour- this sofa is a very foolish indulgence on my part, but we love it. Bru-boo is doing his ‘Paint me like one of your French girls, Jack!” pose for us today.

The classiness doesn’t stop folks, I tell you.  I have the wonkiest ironing board I could find- I get vertigo ironing with this- it sways so much.  Restrain your jealousy- that is a Hello Kitty cd player on top of an antique wig stand. Grandmonster would roll counter-clockwise if she saw that- shhh- don’t tell her!

Where do I cut out patterns you may be asking- well, on a good day, the coffee table in the den with an olfa mat. On a bad day (when Mr B is watching 14 hours of Totenham) I get 3 pieces of ham, wrap a sleeping pill in each one and wait for the dachshunds to collapse so I can use the floor in the sewing room!

 Now this next shot is the requisite Cribs shot of the open refrigerator but in a sewingroom format. This is where I hide the 600 manuals I have purchased to teach myself to knit and crochet. That still hasn’t happened, by the way, but the books looks very helpful, don’t they? My patterns are in the plastic bins with little seperators- no major organization yet- I like them visible so I can admire my hoarde.  I also have Slings & Arrows and the Firefly series on dvd for those extended sewing sessions. Nathan Fillion helps me feel creative, you know what I mean?

Oh, the sewing desk- look at all this foolishness and absolutely necessary clutter. This is where you find out I have a post-it note fixation- I think they are breeding when I dim the lights. Yes, thats a Mary Poppins potatohead and a postal scale. Hmm…. Normally on Cribs they would hide that postal scale, but I think it’s ok here!

Now last but not least, is the closet of over-purchase! Where I hide many things that dare not see the light of day and my fabric stash. Except for the fat quarters that are all in bins under Bruder. Sometimes a whole family of cats will be lounging in said bins- a gentle reminder to prewash.

photo credits: little me, google images

35 thoughts on “Yo- it’s my Sewing Room

  1. Great sewing room! I’m envious – I wish I had a room for all my sewing detritus, but I’m stuck cutting and sewing on the dining table and stacking up my fabric in the corner of our tiny office. One thing my fantasy sewing room would have, though, is Slings and Arrows! I love that show! And as someone who works for a mid-size regional theatre company, I can tell you that it’s more true to life than you might imagine…


  2. Awesome! I store a lot of my fabric the same way, on hangers in the closet. Trouble is, I have to hang my clothes in there too — it’s a bit of a tight fit.

    I haven’t accomplished crap in the sewing room this week either. The mojo is definitely off.

    Love your poster from An Ideal Husband! I’d actually forgotten Cate Blanchett was in that; I mostly focused on Minnie Driver and Rupert Everett.


  3. Barbara Shovlin says:

    Just love it….particularly was impressed with your thread holder and Bruder’s sofa…the whole room just shouts out your love of sewing. Thanks for sharing!!


  4. tabathatweedie says:

    I love your fabric storage idea – never thought to hang lengths of fabric on a hanger! I am totes stealing that idea for my new sewing room when I move house!!


  5. Wow! Lucky you. That thread holder is a work of art on it’s own. What a brilliant space to just be who ever you want to be in. Enjoy and don’t de clutter


  6. It hasn’t been a very productive week for me either. I’ve been trying to sort through my sewing room and make it a more pleasing place to be. It’s not working yet. It would be so much more complete if Bruder were in it. He’s so cute – how can you stand it?


  7. What an impressive thread collection! I just bought one of those thread holders and was limited to a collection of 36 or 60. You must have over 100 there! I also love seeing others sewing spaces. Mine is “hidden” in our dining area since we live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment. It helps keep is to a manageable size though…


  8. Hilarious! Although when mine’s watching the football and I want to cut something out (the best space in my house is the floor in front of the tv) I just try to stay close to the floor and hope I don’t get in the way of some vital event on the pitch. Love your thread holder. I’ve got to get one of those.


  9. Lucky you to have a room! I use the master closet, I’ve kicked out the master of course. He gets a spare bedroom closet. Love that sofa, but mostly I want to steal your potato head…and Bruder. I noticed we didn’t see the stash all that well…no doubt there are sirens and such that go off should anyone try to snatch and grab.
    I love the idea of hanging fabrics, but alas have no room for it. I roll them onto mini
    bolts and pet them daily instead. 😉


  10. me says:

    I love seeing how other people work! Better change the security code, because I’ve got my eye on that sidewinder & postal scale 😉 And hello – hanging fabric so it can be seen (used) = brillz. I’m halfway to a dedicated space. For now it’s a shared office/sewing room. But one day, I will have a loft to climb up to for napping, um, inspiration.


  11. What an amazing sewing place. This is the stuff of dreams. Even a space to hang fabric!! You would cry if you saw my haphazzard pile! Sorry to hear about your Sew Weekly project…. stupid pattern…. stupid fabric! I bagsy that sewjo will be back soon enough!


  12. I can’t believe you pulled the drawers open to show us how organized you are – what a show off! Love the hanging fabric, the perfect way to hang it I believe – if you can shut the door on it and keeps the dust out. Love the big tv, essential company for lonely sewing session right! x


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