Jammies and Plans

Hurrah  for ‘Did you make that?‘  She’s throwing a pajama party! Now normally I am a very early to bed type and don’t have very fancy jammies. I sleep under 3 dogs and occasionally 2 cats- no need to work the peignoir most evenings.

But I think from the looks of abject horror, the husband would like to see something a little less suitable for yard work.

So I shall try- but I love flannel! I do! Surely there is a comfortable alternative to full- on seduction wear……

I’m looking at this:

As if this post wasn’t shocking enough……I think I’m going to use fabric from the closet of egregious textile hoarding! Children, the apocalypse is nigh!

On other scheming notes,  So, Zo….  is at it again with a wonderful and inspiring challenges.  ‘I, prttynpnk of Pretty Grievances, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’12. I endeavour to wear 1 me made piece each day for the duration of May 2012- excluding days that I never get free of my gorgeous brown scrubs! ‘      This is a big deal for me- I couldn’t do it until now, but I find myself already having favorites and reaching for more of my own creations than things I’ve previosuly relied on as staples. Yay me! 


photo credits: Meadhawg, Google images, NY Public Library Archives

24 thoughts on “Jammies and Plans

  1. I am actually making a real nightgown right now for the RTW contest over on PR. My husband is already liking it more than my usual baggy T-shirt/dress style. I have 3 others planned too! I don’t know why I never got into this before, but I’m really liking the idea of simple nightgowns that make me feel a little more pampered. sewingforme.wordpress.com


      • lol mine are mostly my husband’s motley collection of odds and ends! I’m dreaming of dressing in beautiful nightgowns and matching robes like the telanovella actresses who lounge around their beautiful homes while a maid brings them their evening wine. Having one out of 3 isn’t bad =)


  2. Yay! I’m so glad you’re joining the MMM ranks! Looking forward to your posts. And where DO you find these photos? LMAO! Y’know, the first few years post-kids I was looking for things that attracted a little less attention from DH, so decided I’d cover up properly with kid-viewing-appropriate stuff. Didn’t help his imagination. But I do need some things that are prettier in the bedroom. I’m off to check out Karen’s blog.


  3. Yay! That’s a cute pattern for pj’s. And pj’s would be good stash busting if you’ve got something the right weight and fibre content. Oh… I just clicked on something that might be in my own stash that’s cotton and light and… why do I have to realize this when my stash is not beside me? Bah.


  4. I always tell people the apocalypse will be soon, but they never seem to believe me…
    Good luck on MMM12, I hoping to throw in some of my own twists like taking pictures with a cat every day. Very daring stuff, I know.


  5. Please you have to tell where the second photograph came from and if you have any idea why? I am dying to know what kind of sick twisted mind came up with this, I think LSD may have been involved.

    I am looking forward to seeing your photos for MMM. I am unable to do it, as I have made one skirt, two tops, zebra pyjama clown pants and of course lots of panties, and unless I wear them on the outside of my clothes, probably don’t count.


  6. I’m in with the pj party too… just got to keep it a bit hush as I’m making some for Mr Ooobop! and his birthday’s not til May 20th! I’m still not quite there with the me-made stuff to join you on that one but I will relish in yours nonetheless! Can’t wait for the day when I can wear a me-made outfit every day for a whole month!


  7. I am utterly shocked that you don’t make your own scrubs 🙂 Seriously, you’d have the best scrubs in the entire hospital. My niece has had my mom make her a few sets, so I know the patterns are out there….


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