Sometimes it’s 1 for me, 1 for another…..

Peggy Pickles, are you out there? Well, I have to thank you, once more for your Pillowcase Dress Challenge. I really feel enriched by it. After seeing Peggy’s posts, I started making dresses too- I needed a balance between my spoiled self and reality, you know?

While I spend most of my time laid up on velvet with a glossy mag, caramels and my dachsie minions, I can get a little forgetful of the rest of the planet. So every month I try to use all of my excess fabric from my projects and make at least 5 dresses to send out. I’m really enjoying this- sometimes I want the activity of sewing but not the planning, scheming and whatnot that an assault on Lisette can entail, you know?  Here’s a little sampling of this months mailing:

Look familiar? It’s from my eye-searing Cynthia Rowley

This is from a future post- possibly to be titled “Tales of a retro Vogue Hunchback’.

Somewhere out there a child is just as gaudy as little me. Aw…..

Here is a link for an organization that is inside the US for anyone who wants to be involved but faints at the sight of the international shipping costs:

Little Dresses for Africa

thanks for indulging me. Don’t you think that  they should change their title to ‘Gaudy Little  Dresses for Africa’ to better suit what I can offer them? I’ll get a petition started.

photo credits:little me, NY Public Library archives

25 thoughts on “Sometimes it’s 1 for me, 1 for another…..

  1. I’ve got to get on the ball and make some little dresses! My cousin has been making one a month to send to them. I’m glad that you posted this– reminds me that I need to get on that!


  2. I hope I shall be kind and make one a month myself. I’ll have to refrain from using scraps of taffetta left over from a Victorian gown. It doesn’t seem practical for a child some how….


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