Cuckoo Chanel is SEW BOSSY!


When I saw the above on Closet Case files  I was most intrigued. I immediately thought about the pride of Hillsborough, NJ- Shelley of Cuckoo Chanel. She is sassy, girly and wears a lot of dresses. I started pestering her. She let me and soon I was giggling magically over a box at the post office- thrilled that she would play with me. Indeed she did play! I received this:5815

and also the most fabulous animal print  floral gaudy gorgeousness!  Shelley- you have been paying attention! She didn’t take me out of my comfort zone with a blazer or chainmail- she really thought of little me- Shelley, you are a dear!!!by2

Ok, first off, I didn’t initially notice the cool cross over shoulder action- tiny, tiny tech drawing- now I am thrilled with how it repeated the sleeve crossover and takes it a step away from ‘oh, gee a boatneck, how fascinating‘. I crossed it over in the opposite direction from the instructions after walking around Ms Holloway and seeing how the print looked various ways. I liked the way the zebra laid best from this angle. After all- whats  the first rule of the jungle, kids? Thats right. ‘Don’t be a zebra’.*IMG_1320

Now don’t bother to tell me the shoes are too much, you know I don’t believe in such things! I love that last pic- it’s like I have paparazzi…. This next pose is ‘Blue Steel’ of course. IMG_1330

I immediately thought I should belt this, but I got to really like how the drape was without it and hell, I didn’t have to suck in all day. So that really appealed too! By the by, we had to drive around quite a bit to find a photo spot that didn’t clash with little me! by1

Now, Shelley, if you think that I am just being gracious and made the top just for the pics and probably never planned to wear it again, let me share a little secret from the Closet of Infinite Textile Hoarding……I just might have bought 4 yards of this material myself unknowingly because I just couldn’t resist it! Lady, you have made this gaudy gal quite happy! by3

Thank you Shelley and Closet Case Files- I really enjoyed being sew bossed around! *Thats Jungle Cruise humor- yes, this top will see Mickey- another garment test passed- it will go Mousing well!

photo credits: meadhawg, Pattern Review. All images are the property of their original owners.

49 thoughts on “Cuckoo Chanel is SEW BOSSY!

  1. Shelley did know you well. So well in fact you have the same fabric in your stash (freaky!). Great top. I’m pleased to hear it passed with flying colors. McCalls on the background… Nice!


  2. Shar says:

    How can you tell the difference between male and female zebra? (some more Jungle Cruise humor and I bet you know the answer – keep it clean). I want one of these! The sleeves are great and I agree – don’t belt it. Actually I’d like the shirt, the shoes, and the earrings!


  3. How absolutely gorgeous is that top!!!!!!! If I saw it in a shop I would scoop it up quickly – if it hadn’t already been sold out! Fabo and looks delicious on you. And zebra shoes – never too much.

    I started to muslin a top by Sandra Betzina with sleeves like that but couldn’t work out how they went together. I may have to dig it out again.


  4. Anne, you look amazing and your top outdoes the hawaiian tops I saw lots of women wearing in Waikiki last week. Much more chic in my humble opinion.
    You are my the Closet of Infinite Textile Hoarding icon.
    The sleeves are a detail I would absolutely love to have made.


  5. Love the fabric and it is definitely so you! And the top turned out great… Those are very cool sleeves. And finally? Who would dare say anything about those super shoes other than they were super??!! I think they are perfect. The pull out the zebra! ~Laurie


  6. INFINITE SQUEE. You are even more gorgeous in this than I could have imagined!! And how crazy that you already had the same fabric! Thanks for being such a good employee. I adore your bossy package too and can’t wait to twirl in the creation.


  7. Well, we are indeed still on the same wavelength! This pattern is on my cutting table right now, with a B/W floral print. I love your top and the colors are so vibrant-like you 🙂 My version will be a dress, and I plan to belt it (if it fits over my hips) and wear with leggings.


  8. Love this top! I just bought some slippery fabrics and have been looking for suitable pieces that would work, this is fabulous! Keep working the animal print gurlll, rawr!!


  9. mrsmole says:

    You are wasting your time working in a hospital…designing and creating fabulous garments is your forte! I’m sure there would be a long line of eager women drooling to just get your cast-offs if you ever did a closet clean-out! Shoes to compliment every outfit just makes my day!


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